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The First Alpha scanner where some tokens scanned by other members are shown in a easy to read navigation feed. Not only does it show all the metrics of the token but it also shows the person who scanned it as well as the alpha group or channel that it was scanned in.
Although this feature is only as good as the community who is actively using it, We believe DexLord will gather the interest of smart investors as the metrics and warnings our scanner displays is not just a basic contract scanner but its a valuable tool that any crypto investor can use. If you scan a token early with good metrics whether its for sustainable growth or short-term potential, or even just checking if the contract and distribution have favorable metrics, you will be able to identify potential gems from other users scans.
Please note that DexLord is in Beta, and we are constantly improving, building unique features and concepts that will help make DexLord sustainable, useful. This feature have a lot of value but also need more development. Ideally it will not be open to the public in future, but for now it is.