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The DexLord DApp has unique set of metrics to find new tokens after launch but also show valuable metrics not checked or tracked by any other scanners or DApps. Its important to understand that our alerts are based on time sensitive metrics soon after launch that might have huge impact long and short term. The alerts can be used to determine potential in good projects as well as red flags. The Dashboard will be used to find all the latest tokens that launched with some favorable metrics. Although we should not just focus solely on metrics on chain, its a good place to start and you can avoid some tokens with red flags quite early on as well or know how to play them.
Our DApp has 3 Main Sections, SOL, ETH & the Scanner.
Our Dapp features for Solana consist of the main SOL alerts that are also published in the telegram chat, but gives you a wider breakdown of metrics and access to previous alerts and performance of the tokens that made them trigger.
Our Dashboard is in Beta its on our priority list to complete everything as soon as possible and also add more features. Burn Alerts, Renounced/Revoked Tokens, Locks, Cex Listings, Caller Updates & AI aggregated data & information. Displaying all data, metrics & tracking in one place would play a huge role in the future of DexLord.
The same goes with our ETH section, although its just the bare framework we hope that our demonstration and commitment would show the value DexLord has long-term with sufficient non biased data and analytics.
The Scanner is a unique feature that we believe will be a masterpiece when our userbase increases overtime, and the correct people in the space see the value of the DexLord Scanner. Feel free to click the link below to find more info on how it works.
Our platform bridges a crucial gap in the market for sophisticated, real-time charting and metrics, distinct from competitors like Dextools and Dexscreener. We focus on delivering data that's often overlooked, ensuring our users gain a competitive edge with insights not readily available elsewhere. Unlike others prioritizing scalability and user functionality, we emphasize data integrity and safeguarding against manipulated or fake metrics to maintain transparency and reliability.
As we will be able to grow our infrastructure and our analytics with live data, we hope to also become a leader within the sector of decentralized platforms, with real time buys & sells, as well as on-chain activity where users have the option to use our chart links directly. Live Example:
Our Live example of our charting would give you a rough idea of what we have in mind, Although its very basic as the moment we hope to upgrade our infrastructure to allow our platform to be used in real time with multiple added features and be able to partner up with other leading apps, projects and users to use DexLord on their preferred charting tool/Dapp. *Our AI will also be integrated with ever individual token page, as well as providing the opportunity for projects to request an AUDIT + KYC to get a verification, which will generate revenue as well as the opportunity to do a deeper assessment.