is offering a quick and easy platform that goes beyond the ordinary, providing users with an array of powerful tools to navigate and understand the core metrics and statistics of the current alert.

Basic Metrics like, Volume, Price, Holders, Marketcaps & Contract Safety is the basics, Nobody or no bot or app can automate a Alert based on this but combined with more advanced features and metrics its quite easy to separate potential good projects from the rest when implementing "DYOR" efficiently

Basic Data Displayed on the Dashboard

Real-Time Alerts
Ticker and Token Name

Displaying the Ticker & Token Name, Which allows you to instant search on Twitter for the latest Tweets using the $Ticker As well as the Contract search Etherscan & Dextools

Smart Contract Details
Holder Insights

Displaying the holders insights that shows you the amount of holders as well as the possibility of "Whales" & And Shrimps or in between. Based on the TOP 30 Holders. We implemented a quick search to open the "HOLDERS" list on Etherscan to go see if there are some familiar wallets in the top spots

Distribution Metrics Top 30 Holders Balances %

Displaying the Metrics of the accumulated total Supply owned by the top 30 Holders. This Includes Locked tokens, as its important to know the long-term selling pressure from top holders with or without locked tokens

Developer ETH Balance

Displaying the amount of ETH available in the Developers wallet, We also display the amount of the the marketing or linked accounts so that you can make an informed decision whether the project have funding for marketing or not. This is crucial for Utility tokens

Market Valuation
Trading Activity/ Volume
Liquidity Metrics
Tax Percentage
Ownership Renouncement
CA Safety %
Status Updates

Gives a overall Metric on safety, based on the metrics we have picked up on the time of the Alert.

☪️Unique Features

Last updated