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Official DexLord Solana Scanner: @DexLord_bot
Paste <Contract/Mint address>
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Please note, this our DexLord_bot contract scanner is our main scanner and our alerts, its created specifically to determine the allocations of the top wallets and the value/status of their wallets holding the majority of the supply. If you see a majority of the top wallets owning supply its fairly obvious that the token will not have much growth and holders have limited dry powder to assist with dips or reaching new highs.
When using the DexLord scanner use it wisely to find a tokens where the odds are in your favor more often than not. Although its unlikely for a token with an overwhelming amount of "poor" wallets to do good long-term, its still possible depending on the "Utility" or some other factors, Solana "trash" can go -99.% fairly quickly without removing the LP.